We’re all familiar with the film ‘The Bucket List’ (2007) with Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman starring as two terminally ill cancer patients who decide to break free from their limited hospital existence.

They run away and do all the things they wished they’d done before they became ill. They go and have lots of adventures like skydiving and riding motorbikes. Is this what you would do? Apparently not because according to recent reports – most people put writing a book very high on their bucket list.


So, is this true? Or do people wish they had written a book as opposed to wishing to write a book. You are much less likely to carry out a wish if you only wish in the past tense.

Lots of people I have met have told me they want to write a book, but then they have quickly followed this statement with lots of reasons why they can’t. Notice how there is something external stopping them from carrying out their dream.

The usual reasons are family and work. I would love to ask them if their family ties to them to the cooker, or they if work twenty-four hours a day?  Of course I won’t ask this question because I know from experience that if you take away the excuses people use for not writing they can get angry Without their excuses they might have to actually write something.

So, if you’re not someone who works twenty-four hours a day, if your family has not welded you to the cooker and you really do want to write a book before you die – what else is stopping you?  If your ideas (or the lack of them) are the problem then you will find lots of help with creative writing ideas here.  If you have real problems with time management then there are loads of ways to help you find time to write here.


Maybe you think you have lots of time in future to write that book. I don’t mean to be morbid ,but the thing you need to remember is that you will not know when you are going to die.  You might pop your clogs tomorrow. Or, the next day, or not for eighty years – who knows? Let’s face it, all we do know is that there’s no point in worrying about it – all you can do is use your time well. Here’s some creative writing tips to help get you started.

Maybe you think you have lots of time to write that book. Believe me when I tell you that, short of some pretty mind-blowing advances in medical science, or unless the head-freezing lark actually does work then we will all die – one day. The only difference is some of us will die in the knowledge that we wrote the book and some of us won’t.

So do you really want to write that book? Yes, then ditch the excuses and get on with it.

Best of luck.


PS. There are lots more creative writing and time management tips below:

Time to write

Manageable to-do-lists 

Your free and easy time management 3 step plan


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