Five Quick Steps

OwlWriting, whether fiction or non-fiction is a creative process that takes time and practice. I have been writing for over twenty years and I am still learning.

There is always more to learn if you are serious about writing. By that I mean you are someone who is open to the work involved and understands that there is a learning curve and that sometimes it can be difficult and sometimes it can be a pure joy.  Like life writing has its ups and downs and that is what keeps it from being boring.

However there are some quick ways to ease yourself into the process and to help you get over some of those initial hurdles that can seem daunting.

That’s why I developed this series of quick steps posts. Each post has a series of five steps which if you follow carefully and honestly will get you started and give the basic tools to produce your required results.

By the way if you are stuck or have a particular problem write  in the comments below and I will do my very best to help you.There are lots of tips and tricks to help you get going when you feeling overwhelmed.

When it comes to getting started on a writing project some people fall at the first hurdle. Actually some people fall before they’ve even got to the first hurdle because for many of us getting started is what stops us. That’s why my very first post in my quick steps series is about getting started.   Five quick steps to getting started.

My next post in this serious is about writing a synopsis. I know a lot of writers find this difficult. Some writers absolutely dread it. I think the reason they dread this is because they leave it until after they have finished their project.

There is nothing like trying to write a synopsis at the end of a long project. It can sometimes lead to the realisation that there are problems in the story. If you can’t make synopsis make sense it this can be an important message to a writer.

I recommend writing a synopsis and outline before starting. It is easier to do this if you break the task down.  I will help you to learn how to do this in the following post: Five quick steps to writing a synopsis.

Writer’s block is something we all dread. There is much debate about it and some people think it doesn’t exist at all. I think there is a tendency for some people who have never experienced a particular problem themselves to dismiss the problems of others.

I have never found myself blocked when I am working to a commission but there have been dark times when I have felt unable to write. I think this was more to do with anxiety and a crisis of confidence.

I never get blocked these days, probably because I have learned so many ways to ‘write myself out of it,’ but  I still have a lot of empathy  with writers who do. So if you have problems with writer’s block this post below will help you get through it.  Five quick steps to breaking writers block.

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