More Story Starters

book cover - Practical Creative Writing Exercises by Grace Jolliffe - illustrating an article with more free Quick Story StartersWHAT ARE STORY STARTERS?

Story starters are another form of creative writing prompt.

They trigger your imagination and help you find the story you really want to write.

With story starters, the opening of the story is defined and laid out in a couple of sentences for you to use as your starting paragraph.

Some writers find the constraint helpful in that the story has already begun and there are some parameters in place.

Sometimes our creative thoughts can lead us away from the story we really want to write.

Setting parameters is useful in organizing creative thoughts.

Many writers find story starters help stop their imagination leading them astray and wasting their valuable writing time and creative energy.

Using story starters and creative writing exercises regularly help install a good writing habit which is really important if you want a successful writing career.

I hope these story starters help you. If you are a beginner to creative writing you will find this page helpful.


  • It wasn’t the knock on the door she dreaded but the sound of the footsteps walking away.

  • Knowing what was about to happen, he opened the window and jumped.

  • She climbed slowly, edging forward to the ridge, carefully feeling her way to avoid the treacherous overhang that had taken her friend.

  • He walked quickly. The lane was narrow and the houses seemed empty but he had a feeling of being watched.

  • The rain was relentless. She needed to go but she knew from experience this type of rain led to floods. She would soon be cut off.

  • He reached into his pocket for his passport. The moment he dreaded had arrived. The security man grinned and moved forward.

  • The girl struggled with the weight of the parcel she was carrying.

  • The man looked too old to be still working. She guessed he was doing it to pass the time or was it something else?

  • book cover - Practical Creative Writing Exercises by Grace Jolliffe - illustrating an article with more free Quick Story StartersThe shelves were stacked high. She had never so much. It had been hidden well. Greed is good at hiding things.

  • For a successful businesswoman, she seemed quiet. Perhaps that wasn’t always so. He would see how quiet she really was soon. He had ways and would find the one that suited the occasion – he always did.

  • He wasn’t going to give up. He wasn’t built that way. They were wrong about him and he was about to show them just how wrong they were.

  • The key wouldn’t turn. Like everything else in this place, the lock was frozen.

  • She remembered her father planting those trees. He never saw them grow.

  • This wasn’t the right road to take and he knew it. But there was nowhere to turn and he had no choice but to go forward. He looked behind but he couldn’t see through the fog.

  • Depending on the light of the moon she walked in the direction of the old house.


I hope these story starters helped you get started.

Keep going now because there are more story starters for you here.

Story starters, writing exercises and prompts are some of the fastest ways to increase your writing skills.

To keep going with your new creative writing habit I strongly suggest you should definitely try some of these creative writing exercises.

Best of luck with your writing.


P.S. All the exercises and information on this site are free for you. All I ask is that you please like or share this post with your friends. If you have any questions or comments please use the comments box below and I will do my best to help.

If you enjoyed these free story starters you’ll love this book.


You won’t be able to stop writing because these beautiful and inspiring exercises are carefully designed to banish your writing block right now.

book cover - Practical Creative Writing Exercises by Grace Jolliffe - illustrating an article with more free Quick Story StartersNever Be Stuck Again!


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2 Responses to More Story Starters

  1. Mary Rose March 12, 2014 at 3:58 pm #

    Really useful. I have written non fiction all my adult life and still do, but am keen also to write fiction and ideas like this are a great stimulus, thanks!

    • Grace March 12, 2014 at 10:54 pm #

      Glad you liked it, let me know how you get on with your fiction writing!

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