The most asked writer’s question is…

girl writing a diary illustrating a post called: The most asked writers question is this...The one question I keep being asked by new writers is – where do you start?

Sometimes we have a great idea but when we start writing we just can’t follow it through.

The idea seems to go nowhere and that great story just doesn’t seem to want to come out.

So what’s the problem?

Okay… if this is happening to you there may be one or several reasons.


Think about the theme of your story. The theme of your story is not the same thing as the idea for your story and if you are not sure what a theme is then read this post.

You may find that the themes which occur naturally in your idea simply do not appeal to you as a writer.

You may have a humorous or light-handed approach or style of writing and that just may not suit a heavier theme.

Book cover of Practical Creative Writing Exercises by Grace Jolliffe illustrating an article called girl writing a diary illustrating a post called: The most asked writers question is this...NOT WRITING REGULARLY

Many beginners fall at the first hurdle simply because they expect too much. Remember that if you were to learn to play an instrument you would expect it to take time. You would expect to have to practice regularly.

Well… the same applies to your writing. Unless you are exceptionally lucky you can’t expect to sit down and produce a story right away if the last thing you wrote was a school essay.

Writing muscles need to be exercised and built up gradually. The best way to do this is to build a writing routine into your life. This post will teach you how to increase your creativity in five easy steps.


This is a big one. Fear of failure is very common for writers. I know of very few writers who do not want people to read their work.

Most of us want to sell our stories and books to readers who enjoy them and this brings us into competition with other writers.

Writing is competitive – if you want to be read.

You know from experience that readers are spoiled for choice and that if we are going to gain readers we need to get our work to rise above the millions of other stories all competing for the readers’ attention.

This can be an intimidating idea but should it stop you trying?

If you think that in twenty years time you’ll look back and regret not having tried to write then no, it shouldn’t stop you.

Book cover of Practical Creative Writing Exercises by Grace Jolliffe illustrating an article called girl writing a diary illustrating a post called: The most asked writers question is this...Every writer starts somewhere and for most of us, the starting place is a blank page or computer screen and a bit of an idea in our heads.

Make a promise to yourself that you will at least try – schedule a few writing sessions into your week and stick to them.

Think about your idea and write down some notes about who the story is about, where it happens, what might happen – keep asking yourself questions and keep writing the answers down.

You might end up with pages of notes but in those notes will be the shape of your story.

Once you see that story begin to form keep writing – don’t criticize yourself or worry about the end, forget about expectations, just focus on the writing and enjoy the process.

Best of luck with your writing

Best wishes


P.S. If you don’t have any ideas in mind don’t forget that one of the best ways to begin is to use a creative writing exercise.


Book cover of Practical Creative Writing Exercises by Grace Jolliffe illustrating an article called girl writing a diary illustrating a post called: The most asked writers question is this...

Try some Practical Creative Writing Exercises

Many writers will say that the hardest thing to face is that blank page.

But not if the page isn’t blank!

Try these exercises and start writing now.

Never Be Stuck Again!

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2 Responses to The most asked writer’s question is…

  1. DERRICK WASHINGTON July 10, 2019 at 5:20 am #

    Grace, I just want to say thank you for this article. I don’t think no one else could have written it better. You nail the topic with a sledgehammer.

    • Grace July 10, 2019 at 5:13 pm #

      Well, thanks for your kind words.

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